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How to correctly use the stereo? 

Input Time:[2016-1-30] Read:[331]次
In our daily work and service process, there are often according to the customer, your own home theater sound system is not good, not only it hissing sound, sound change is unbearable, appear this kind of problem actually, for the most part is not the sound itself, but users in using and maintenance of audio error as livable small make up and share the proper use and maintenance of home theater sound six tips! 1, don't hot plug line 2, the speaker volume to minimum 3 before switch machine, avoid direct sunlight, heat 4 big level after don't speaker put too close to 5, and don't place where humidity 6, the correct switch machine order. Above step 6, quite simple, but it should not be ignored, the home theater system user must not convenient take liberties with their own theater systems, if home stereo system use and maintenance method is proper, can guarantee your audio equipment is in the best condition, at the same time also can increase their hedging effect, on the other hand, is bound to cause bad feelings in your audio-visual experience!

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