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Audio equipment maintenance of common sense 

Input Time:[2016-1-30] Read:[2102]次

Home theater audio equipment maintenance and use is very exquisite, once use undeserved, it is possible to damage speakers. Here are some of the daily maintenance of common sense:

1, home theater audio equipment normal working temperature should be 18 ℃ ~ 45 ℃. The low temperature will reduce the sensitivity of some machines; Is too high, easy to burn out components, or components early aging. Avoid direct sunlight, also want to avoid close to the heat source.

After 2, audio equipment, various function keys to reset. If long-term no longer, its pull knob spring in the stress state for a long period of time, is likely to cause dysfunction.

Before 3, switch audio power amplifier volume potential spin to the minimum, this is the power amplifier and speaker of one of the most effective means of protection.

4, home theater audio equipment is powered by the former, after opening to open CD machine, by first to open levels before and after, the amplifier when the phone is switched on the volume of the potential spin to the minimum. To turn it off when first close amplifiers, let the amplifier amplification function completely shut down, at that time when you turn off the front-end equipment again, no matter have again big impact current would not plants and power amplifier and the speakers.

5, home theater equipment to commonly used, if not for a long time, some parts will be out of shape. In the case of long-term not use especially in the damp, high temperature season, the best electrify half an hour every day. It can use the heat generated by the internal components work to remove moisture, avoid internal coil, the speaker voice coil, transformer, etc. Be affected with damp be affected with damp mildew is broken.

6, contact cleaning once every six months. Metal exposed to the air soon, the surface will be oxidized phenomenon. Even if the signal line plug surface after plating processing, due to the close contact with the fuselage plug, the time is long, and still have a certain degree of oxidation, so most must clean once every six months. As long as the use of cotton alcohol daub on contact. Need not when, the application of dust cover or cover on the top of the machine to prevent dust.

7, don't open power amplifier to pick up sound box line, because the speaker terminal are very close, sound box line is two parallel, tightly connection often accidentally will horn line short circuit, the consequences will be quickly consumed power amplifier.

8, just only put on half an hour in some soft music and use the medium volume to listen to music, after waiting for machine to warm up the volume to appreciate again.

9, try to avoid overlapping. Should as far as possible to the main CD and amplification part independent to put, because of the overlapping put will cause harmonic vibration impact machine. When the trumpet playing music, the vibration of the air can make home theater equipment with vibration, and the music within the message, and the interference of transmission spectrum, cause a kind of sound pollution. So it's best to place your home theater equipment independent on the solid frame.

10 and other household electrical appliances and computers should be avoided and audio sharing a set of power supply, even to put together, it should obtain elsewhere power supply. In addition, make connection with also absorb each other between line and line noise, destroy the sound quality. So, in the home theater equipment and cables, should keep from other appliances or the interference of the power cord.

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